About the MVN

Mission: The Microvascular Network (MVN) is a physician-led initiative to build and align the community of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD) advocates to advance the therapy and harmonize care guidelines.  The MVN began in May 2021 with 49 interventional cardiologists, general cardiologists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.

The network began by developing recommendations for five key areas of need: 

(1) Patient Access and Care, 

(2) Physiological Assessment Competency, 

(3) Spasm Assessment Competency, 

(4) Treatment and Follow-up, and 

(5) Therapy Advancement.  

Since its inception, the MVN has published a meta-analysis on acetylcholine safety, developed baseline protocols and educational posters on CMD testing using thermodilution and spasm assessment, cataloged a comprehensive list of therapeutic studies, developed core variables for universal CMD data collection, and established a community with a common language and goals for advancing patient care.

Who We Are Today:  Today, the MVN has grown to >140 members in North America, and its members are actively engaged in sharing information, training and proctoring, and helping to create Comprehensive Coronary Physiology Centers around the continent.  Anyone with an interest in helping patients with CMD is invited to join the Microvascular Network.

MVN Leadership Team: